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About: EARJ Panther Press

Panther Press is a club that was first established in 2017, at EARJ Barra Campus. It is a place where students are given the opportunity to serve their school community while practicing and enhancing their skills in objective writing and exploring media communication and advertisement. The club is meant to provide students who are interested in these fields with a “real world” experience.


At the end of every month of the school semester, we publish a new edition that involves the exploration of a variety of topics – all of which may be accessed through this website. Moreover, this club also seeks to serve as a platform of communication within the entire club. Thus, we are open to any collaborations with the school and its students lead clubs. 


We hope that you find this platform useful and intriguing, and in case of any questions, doubts, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to any of us via email, or through the "Contact Us" section. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our Newsletter to know whenever something new is being published on the first hand! 

"Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault."
 Henry Anatole Grunwald, Managing Editor- Times Magazine


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