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  • Gabriel A.

A New Archaeological Discovery

The archeologist Tania Andrade Lima is one of the winners of the international Hypatia 2023 award. She was responsible for the discovery of Cais do Valongo during construction by the state of Rio to revitalize the ‘Zona Portuária’. She will be rewarded for her services to archeology, history, and humanity’s cultural heritage.

Image Soure: G1

Between the present-day Coelho e Castro and Sacadura Cabral streets, in Rio de Janeiro’s port district, is a historic pier known as the Valongo Wharf. Until 1831, when the Atlantic slave traffic to Brazil was outlawed by the blockade of Africa, it was the location of the landing and exchange of enslaved Africans. It was discovered in 2011, when excavations led by Tania revealed the old Cais do Valongo, where it is estimated that over a million slaves had been previously enslaved and traded.

Tania is among the 10 professionals honored with the award this year, in a ceremony that will take place on October 16th, at the opening of the 6th Biennale of Architectural and Urban Restoration (BRAU6), in Florence, Italy. The Hypatia Award is awarded by the Confederation of International Centers for the Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CICOP Net),celebrating the work of those who contribute to the progress of scientific knowledge in their areas of activity.

Tania’s discovery back in 2011 was revolutionary to learning more about Rio’s history, and she is being rewarded for all her efforts by winning the international Hypatia 2023 award. There is a lot of history in the Cais do Valongo, which is now seen as a tourist point in the port area of Rio de Janeiro.

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