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  • Alexander L. & Manuela C.

Beware: More Rain is Expected in March

Updated: May 2, 2022

As Tom Jobim says in his song “Águas de Março”, there will be a lot of rain this month “to announce the end of summer”. In February the population of Rio experience record rain that caused blackouts, water overflows and landslides. Therefore the government had recommended RJ citizens to not roam the city after any storm announcement.There is no sustainable development without consideration of disaster risk (Barack Obama, 2018).

In EARJ Barra, the 7th grade students, came up with the idea of a bake sale to help the victims of the rain, in Rocinha. The 7th grade portuguese teachers, Ms. Fernanda and Ms. Carita, the Portuguese teachers were responsible for the bake sale organization, that happened on the February 20th. All the money raised was donated to help the community in Rocinha .

While EARJ students were raising funds for rocinha so was the government. As of now the government has been cleaning the city with 17 million reais worth of work and 22 million for macro drainage, according to GloboG1.

The rains seem to have ended, with a slight rainfall on February 25th. It could happen again, so check your weather apps and get ready for the rains to come in March.

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