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  • Ana Clara M.

Do You Know Projeto Vida Alegre?

Bringing happiness and joy to all lives is the slogan and primary goal of Vida Alegre, a project developed outside school by Ana Clara Martins and João Victor Magalhães to support anyone who requires help. Our intention with this project is to show people that kindness still exists and remains capable of positively impacting lives.

The first campaign Vida Alegre created was called “Natal Alegre”, where the members and founders of the project brought presents for the kids in Pro Criança Cardíaca, and Bairro do Bonfim in Petrópolis. Within this campaign, we gathered more than 200 toys and more than 70 sets of clothes between the ages of 2 to 25.

Our successive campaign was an Easter party for the children in Obra do Berço, where we brought food, toys, paint, easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, and stuffed bunnies for the kids, where one of our volunteers was even dressed as the Easter Bunny! The party was a huge success, and at the end, we also offered staff members easter eggs to thank them for their lovely work.

Now, this month, Vida Alegre just created a new project, where on the 13th of May, we organized a Beach Clean-Up in Pepê between posts 1 and 3. Pepê is one of the dirtiest beaches in Rio, but remains as a famous beach because of the pier where people usually go to see the sunset. On the day, we divided the trash between recycled and non-recycled so we can donate all the recycled ones to an ONG called Movimento Plástico Transforma. This organization aims to gather as much plastic as possible so that they can teach children of low-income, innovative ways to use plastic and even create little robots! If you want to help by donating recycled material or anything else, don’t hesitate to contact or

If you want to learn more about us, follow our Instagram @projetovidaalegre.

Image Source: Ana Clara Martins

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