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  • Sofia Z.

EARJ's Anniversary

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro, first established in Ipanema in 1937, celebrated its 85 years young anniversary today on March 15th, 2022. It is astonishing to see how the school grew and changed throughout these decades. EARJ has never stopped to seek for ameliorations that provided the best for its students and staff.

The school has always been inspired to provide an unique educational journey “which inspires creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and the confidence to excel in an ever-changing global community” (Little, 2021).

In this year’s celebration, the school planned to share two videos with the students, one about the founder and the other made by EARJ alumni. Most excitingly, the school has prepared an special lunch menu for all students, teachers and staff, and two inflatable toys for the Lower School students!

“I have been at EARJ for about thirteen years now”, states the high schooler, Otto de Andrade, “I can confidently say that EARJ is reliable, welcoming, and a dynamic school. Never has it crossed my mind to leave this school”. Likewise, HS Portuguese teacher Mr. Vinnicius de Lemos, who has been teaching at EARJ for eleven years, would describe EARJ as the “agent of transformation in [his] life, [where he] transformed [himself] as a person, teacher and professional.”

Photo Source: Mr.Jarrett Dunbar

"EARJ provides a rich international learning

setting in a multicutural experience"

EARJ History


Barra da Tijuca

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