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Higher Cost of Living

Inflation is the increase in the prices of products or services over time. Captain America must have had a cardiac arrest after seeing the massive increase in prices, when he woke up after 70 years.

Inflation affects goods and services, which means that having a haircut, filling up a gas tank, are not protected from inflation, and will increase in price as well. A very famous brand will help me explain this better. Coca-Cola, created in 1892, used to cost only 5 cents, according to Even when bottled, it remained 5 cents, yet now, it costs around $2 in the U.S.

According to The Balance magazine there are two main causes of inflation; demand-pull and cost-push. Demand-pull inflation, the most common cause, happens when consumers want products so much, that they would pay more for them. It means that there aren't enough goods or services for everyone with the current prices, so then the manufacturers of the products, or the company in charge of the services, must increase the prices.

Cost-push inflation happens when supply is restricted but demand isn't. Think of another example. Here in Brazil, to protect yourself from our inflation, you must have an increase of at east 4 percent per 1 year in order for you to get some money. It is a weird concept as if you get a 3 percent increase in your salary here, the amount of money you have is going to be worth less next year.

Plan for Black Friday! People rush in and get everything really quickly, on this day. If you are even an hour late you will undoubtedly miss out on many items on sale.

Image Source: The Independent



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