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  • Pedro M. & Alejandra G.

Live a Little, Love a Little

Educator, husband of Lisa, father of Haylee, born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Scott Little is the guest for this edition's interview. This is his first year at EARJ Barra. Get to know a little about Mr. L, the Upper School Assistant Principal and IB Coordinator.

PP: How do you like Brazil?

SL: l absolutely love Brazil. I am so happy that we decided to move here, in addition to the beauty of the country, I find that the people have been unbelievable friendly, and I'm really enjoying our time here. I'm looking forward to beach life when the weather improves a little bit.

Photo Source: Erika Soares

PP: Can you speak/understand Portuguese?

SL: A little bit, I'm studying Portuguese. I have lessons twice aweek, and | think I've learned a lot the six weeks that l've been here, and I look forward to becoming a little more fluent than | am right now.

PP: What languages do you speak?

SL: I speak English, French, some Japanese, and some Chinese.

PP: What is the Brazilian holiday / event you are most looking forward to?

SL: I would definitely say I'm looking forward to Carnaval. Brazil is a place that Canadians dream about going to, but most don't think that they will ever get an opportunity to visit. That is why I feel very fortunate that l've had this chance to come to Brazil. I'm looking forward to seeing and experiencing Carnaval here.

PP: Where else around the world have you worked?

SL: I've lived and worked in Canada, United States, Japan, Singapoure, and now here, in Rio.

PP: What's the thing you miss the most from your hometown?

SL: There are certain times that I think probably the thing that I miss most is my family. But because of technology these days, it's easy to stay in touch with people, you know, using video conference, there are some forms. So, even though they are far away they still feel very close.

PP: What are you known for?

SL: I am known for being a person who listens well, someone caring and compassionate. A person who has the interest of students at heart.

PP: Have you always worked as a teacher?

Yes. I would say for the most part yes. I was trained as a teacher from when I went to university, and other than different jobs that I would've done as a university student, I've been an educator for a long time, over 20 years.

PP: If you were not an educator, what would you do for a living?

SL: I really enjoy athletics, so I played sports my whole life growing up. I guess I always inspired to be an athlete, but knew that's not an easy thing to do, you needed to have a back up plan. So, I guess if I could do something now, I would be a professional golfer.

PP: What was your favorite subject in High school?

SL: I probably had a number of favorite subjects. What I realized was that it wasn't really the subject, but the teacher that l had. So, usually my favorite subjects were alternately by my favorite teachers, and quite often there were a lot of different subjects.

PP: If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

SL: I am not sure if it is a superpower, but | wish that I could have eternal youth.

PP: What would you do if you won the lottery?

SL: I've come to realize that material things are less important than experiences, so I would probably use the money to do a lot of traveling, and I would probably go first class.

PP: If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

SL: The one thing that I would like to change would be the opinion that some people have of people that are different from them, and so if we could have a world in which everybody accepted others regardless of, you know, what language they spoke or what their religion was, of what their ethnicity was. I think the world will be a much better place.

PP: What is your favorite thing about EARJ?

SL: Definitely the students. I've found that the students here at the EARJ have been very friendly, very welcoming, and I really enjoy working with them.

PP: What message would you like to share with EARJ students?

The world is full of possibilities, and what you want to do is just to shoot high, go out there an achieve greatness of whatever it is you choose to do with your life.

Alejandra, Mr.L and Pedro. Photo Source: Rosario Garcia

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