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  • Alejandra G.

Music Industries

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

Have you ever wondered what happens in the backstage of the music industries? People often see music as entertainment, something beautiful to hear and interesting to see. However, there is so much more inside the music industry that remains hidden from the public. Despite it having a positive connotation and being associated with joyful aspects of life, working in the music industry brings a lot of challenges for artists and other people involved.

We often see artists such as singers and instrument players all around the media spreading their work to others. These artists actually live a very different lifestyle than the one we are used to. The music industry has many different aspects that artists have to go through in order to release a song or a music video. This includes the process of producing a song, releasing into streaming platforms, and registering it for copyright. It is also important to acknowledge that for a song to be professionally recorded, certain equipment is necessary so the sound has a high quality. This is the reason why artists usually work with a producer and many other musicians to produce their songs. By the other hand, there are artists such as Beyonce that produce their own songs by learning how to use the sound equipment correctly.

Another aspect of a musician's life that we encounter a lot are the shows and tours that they perform on a daily basis. Performing on stage could bring a lot of joy at the same time it can make an artist feel exhausted. Many musicians struggle with this feature of their careers as they have to transmit an exciting energy to the audience while sometimes feeling extremely tired or upset. When musicians are on tour, they generally need to use their voice for long periods of time which can also cause vocal fatigue, a tiredness in the vocal cords.

Despite all challenges that artists encounter in the music industry, these musicians can influence people’s life through their music, which is one of the most beautiful aspects of this career. Even though people like different genres of music or different artists, all types of music have one thing in common, which is the fact that they transmit feelings of different kinds, make people relate to their songs and connect to them on a deeper and emotional level.

Image Source: Unplash

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