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  • Otto A.

Some Records Breaking Events

Over the past few years, EARJ has gone through ups and downs - as has most of the world after the COVID-19 outbreak. However, some of the events that our community has not been able to experience, due to health restrictions, are finally back again! The Panther Press team is happy to promote these affairs that bring our school closer to what it was pre-pandemic.

We are happy to report that the Barra Campus has had its first graduating class, where fantastic and memorable speeches were given. That's right, our seniors have now reached a new level in their lives. Many of them have had a pivotal role in expanding the voice of our student body and we are proud of everything they’ve accomplished! We hope the best for these alumni who are now beginning their next adventure.

Moreover, a yearly tradition of formally recognizing academic excellence and the upholding of the school pillars was conducted for the first time after the outbreak, in person. This is an event in which many students look forward to seeing their semester-long hard work finally pay off. Plus, not only was academic excellence recognized, we also had our athletic awards ceremony back, where some exceptional athletes have also received distinction.

We would also like to congratulate the amazing Class of 2023 mock Exhibition: Inside Our Minds. Grade 11 IBDP students have been working hard to put together a coherent and creative body of artworks that tell a lot about their personal experiences, passions, and plans for the future.

Photo Source: Sofia Zhang & EARJ

In addition, the EARJ Upper School Talent Show, an EARJ tradition and a cheerful celebration, was finally back yesterday! This year, the talent show was an event organized by the Music For All club. All upper school grade levels (6th-12) were welcome to participate, including the teachers, which resulted in an outstanding showcase of EARJ talent.

Similar to last year's high school drama production, our middle school students will also have their own play. This semester, the middle school’s theater division has been working extensively to present their very best rendition of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. We are all very excited to watch these upcoming presentations!

This will be the last Panther Press publication of the school year and we hope to end on a good note. These events are a step forward in the direction of a healthy community that reminds us of the old EARJ we all know and love. We hope that soon enough, these happenings won't become rarities and that we can have constant progression of the school environment.

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