The book “The Fault In Our Stars,” by John Green, was released on January 10, 2012. It tells the story of Hazel Grace Lancaster, who narrates her journey as a teenager with cancer. Since its publishing, it has been known for its heartbreaking and insightful story, winning the TIME Magazine’s #1 Fiction Book of 2012 award.
The story begins with Hazel’s mother thinking that Hazel has depression, resulting in the protagonist being sent to a church’s emotional support group. There, she meets Issac, a boy with eye cancer known as retinoblastoma. He already has a glass eye, but is now about to have his other eye taken out. On Issac’s last meeting before his surgery, he brings his friend Augustus, who had osteosarcoma and one of his legs was cut off.
This story is heartbreaking and emotional, one that explores the themes of love, loss, and how fast a life can end. The silly banter and deep conversations between the couple create a strong connection between the two, making their love story even more touching. The author’s use of metaphor and symbolism adds depth and meaning to the story, and his ability to balance humor and heartbreak is incredible.
Overall, “The Fault in Our Stars’’ is a beautifully written novel that will make you laugh, cry, and feel all the emotions in between. It is a powerful reminder of the beauty and fragility of life and the importance of living in the moment. If you enjoy a romantic young adult and are looking for an emotional read, then “The Fault in Our Stars” is definitely worth a read.