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  • Amanda N.

The Value of Freedom of Speech

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

In the 1984 novel, George Orwell describes a controlling society where there were constantreviews on what words - and facts - were allowed, what should be replaced, or eliminated. 1984 is one of the books EARJ students read in 9th grade. This reading makes us reflect upon the similarities with censorship that we see happening nowadays. Words have meanings.Control the words, control the way people understand the world, making it easy to manipulate their views.

Freedom of speech plays an essential role in critical thinking, because it holds our ability to question and discuss, develop and organize our thoughts, nurture confidence and maturity. Sadly, nowadays we see people "canceling" one another, in the name of tolerance, which sounds a bit incoherent, to say the least.

Canadian psychologist and best-selling author Jordan Peterson, once, asked about

why his right to freedom of speech could surpass someone else's right not to be offended,

answered the journalist that "in order to be able to think you should risk being offensive. You are certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of truth. Why should you have the right to do that? It's been rather uncomfortable. But this is what you should do to exercise your freedom of speech, and that is fine. It means power to you."

If you value diversity and tolerance don't let voices be censored or intimidated. We need different voices to have and encourage respectful, inclusive, and rich conversations, so everyone is better informed.

"Control the words, control people's understanding of the world making it easy to manipulate their views."


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