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  • Claudia A. and Maureen R.

Topic of Reflection: A hard path to success

Mrs. Natasha shared the image below with the teachers, and after taking a look at it on the wall, we decided to write our reflection based on it. Being successful isn't easy. It takes perseverance, sacrifice, good habits, dedication, failure, disappointment, and hard work. Many people have worked hard to get to where they are now, even though we might not realize it.

We believe that to be successful you need to persevere, make mistakes and learn from them.

You need to focus on what your goal is, and do everything you can to reach it. And don't push away the people that are actually trying to help you, because they have probably sacrificed

something to help you. Adding to that, you can't let others bring you down either.

In order to succeed you need to have good habits. These good habits will help you achieve your goal and keep you organized. Dedication is really important, if you leave everything for last minute you won't ever be able to get to your goal. But if you focus and work hard with passion and dedication, you will be able to do it all!

Sometimes you will fail. But failure is your first attempt in learning. You should learn from your

mistakes, and see what you did wrong, so you can fix it, and try again. At times, you will may

get disappointed on your journey to success. Things won't always go the way you want them

to. But if you keep on going, you will reach your goal. "Panthers never give up" as Mr Rick said

once to PP sports column.

Photo: Planet.Interactive Training & Development DPT

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